Hi Branden, You can send that manual page paragraph in English to me, and you'll get it back in Swedish. If you want.
Yours, Sigfrid On Sat, 19 Nov 2022 at 22:24, G. Branden Robinson < g.branden.robin...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Hans, > > At 2022-11-19T21:42:41+0100, hbezemer--- via wrote: > > I noticed that when using mmse it seems to give an error when adding a > > footnote. Groff terminates with the following error message: > > "fatal error: input stack limit exceeded (probable infinite loop)" > > I can reproduce it with: > > groff -Tpdf -mmse SE.groff > SE.pdf > > I was able to reproduce it too. Thanks! > > Here's a fix. > > diff --git a/contrib/mm/mse.tmac b/contrib/mm/mse.tmac > index dedfb10bb..8184b1434 100644 > --- a/contrib/mm/mse.tmac > +++ b/contrib/mm/mse.tmac > @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=groff. > .po \n[@po]u > .pl \n[@pl]u > . > -.nr pg*footer-size 4\" 1v+footer+even/odd footer+1v > +.nr pg*footer-size 4v\" 1v+footer+even/odd footer+1v > .\"------------------------------------------------ > .\" Dokumentnamn > .ds LetDNAMN > > The problem is that someone (presumably macro package author Jörgen > Hägg) left the scaling unit off of the `pg*footer-size` register > assignment, so the size used for the page footer was 4 basic units > instead of 4 vees. The former value is too small by five orders of > magnitude (a factor of twelve thousand). > > I hadn't really looked at mse.tmac before but I observe that it forces > the page dimensions (and offset) to fit, I think, A4 paper in portrait > format if they are not already set via the L, W, and O registers. I > suspect that will need to change to work more smoothly with groff's > papersize.tmac macro file. > > I may need to add a comment about this (in English :-/) to the > groff_mmse(7) page. > > In the meantime a good way to render documents requiring mmse will be as > follows. > > $ groff -dpaper=a4 -mm -mmse -P -p -P a4 lorem-svenska.mm > > If a different paper format is desired, setting the aforementioned > command-line registers will be important, so add the following flags. > > -rLxx -rWyy -rOzz > > ...where xx is the paper length, yy the line length, and zz the page > offset. Use of scaling units ('c' for centimeters will be common, I > reckon) is recommended. > > I'm attaching my own reproducer for your convenience. Its mostly > equivalent to yours. > > Regards, > Branden > -- Sigfrid Lundberg, Ph.D., System developer Lund, Sweden https://sigfrid-lundberg.se/ <http://sigfrid-lundberg.se/>