Hi Deri,

My departure's an hour later than I thought so I have a few more
minutes, and a good thing since apparently we had yet another

At 2022-11-18T17:16:44+0000, Deri wrote:
> > If we're going to treat the "download" file as an input file (which
> > is a reasonable enough claim) and go so far as to add line counting
> > logic while reading it (which I am willing to do), then we might as
> > well format this message the way the GNU Coding Standards say--groff
> > is growing increasingly conformant with them anyway (in this
> > respect).
> Thank you for this offer but I am quite happy to continue supporting
> gropdf, the sooner you revert this change means the sooner I can do
> the changes I've discussed.

Oh, I see, we were deadlocked.  I wanted the groff-man-pages.pdf
invalidity problem fixed first, and you wanted my changes that keep it
valid reverted first.

Okay, I'll yield.  I'll do the reverts of the 3 remaining commits of
mine to which you objected, then push everything I've got pending (just
got your pocket full of uncontroversial assent), then you can make the
further changes you have in mind.

> As soon as you let me know the revert is done I will be as quick as I
> can.

I'll be pushing about 21 commits very soon, since I'm about to leave,
groff-commit may be a more reliable notification channel.

In the meantime I'll try not to forget that the Euro glyphs will be
missing from groff-man-pages.pdf...


> > [3] I believe in failing fast, failing hard, and leaving a detailed
> >     autopsy report on top of the carcass.

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