On 9/13/22, Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> wrote:
> Dave Kemper wrote in 
> <cacrhbxoudohoapzuz56-vy0avh7ybx5i9b97cg-hk+dw+nb...@mail.gmail.com>:
>  |Groff has converted an input U+002D to a proper hyphen in typeset
>  |output for decades.  It has done so in UTF-8 output since at least
>  |groff 1.19.2.
> This is not true.  I never have seen anything but hyphen-minus on
> my boxes, and i was running 1.22.3 until last week.

I will ask again that you please post specific example input, along
with what output you saw in groff 1.22.3 and what is different in

I ran the test before making my statement, verifying that it's true.
It is, however, locale-dependent:

$ groff --version | head -1
GNU groff version 1.19.2
$ echo $LC_CTYPE
$ nroff <<< go-to | cat -s | hexdump -C
00000000  67 6f 2d 74 6f 0a 0a                              |go-to..|
$ nroff <<< go-to | cat -s | hexdump -C
00000000  67 6f e2 80 90 74 6f 0a  0a                       |go...to..|

Did you change your system's locale settings around the same time you
upgraded your groff installation?  You might be seeing a change from
one and attributing it to the other.

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