On Sun Jul 24, 2022 at 12:11 PM EDT, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2022-07-24T15:45:46+0000, DJ Chase wrote:
> > I just read some of it. I wish I read it when it felt like I was
> > fighting with the typesetter — it’s very helpful.
> I should correct myself.  I've only been hacking on our Texinfo manual
> for about 4 years, so if you're looking at the one from groff 1.22.4, I
> deserve no credit for any helpful material you find there.  (There was
> already an immense amount!)

Why is the Texinfo manual four years out of date?

> > It seems that the document you attached is your GPG key in PDF form.
> > Could you try resending it, or if the issue is appears to be on my end,
> > sending a link to it?
> I believe there were _two_ attachments to the mail, or should have been,
> but no matter.  How about I make life easier for everyone?
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/17ftu3z31couf07/AAC_9kq0ZA-Ra2ZhmZFWlLuva?dl=0
> The above link goes to a folder where you can find the 9 PDF files I
> regenerate frequently as part of my development work on groff.  Save
> anything you're interested in immediately; [snip]
> Apropos of our conversation, I recommend the 'ms.2022-07-24.pdf'
> document, and 'groff.2022-07-24.pdf', specifically the beginning of
> chapter 5, "gtroff Reference".

I will take a look at these later to answer your earlier question.
Thanks for uploading them :).

> > Good luck; It’s out of print and physical copies are very hard to
> > come by.
> That's a shame.  Guess I should move it up the priority queue and read
> the IA version while I can, and take external notes.

You can also download the PDF to read at your leisure.

DJ Chase
They, Them, Theirs

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