At 2022-07-24T11:19:19+0100, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> How about this middle paragraph, with the other two unaltered ones for
> context.
>     The line immediately following the .TS token may specify region options:
>     keywords that influence the interpretation or rendering of the region as
>     a whole or all table entries within it indiscriminately.
>     Options are separated by spaces, tabs, or commas and their case does not
>     matter, though AT&T tbl requires each option to be a single case.
>     Some of these options require a parenthesized argument; those that do
>     permit spaces and tabs between the option’s name and the opening
>     parenthesis.

This is what I ended up pushing about a day ago (in UTF-8).

   Region options
       The line immediately following the .TS token may specify region
       options, keywords that influence the interpretation or rendering
       of the region as a whole or all table entries within it
       indiscriminately.  They can be specified in any lettercase
       (unlike AT&T tbl, which accepted only options with all characters
       in the same case) and must be separated by commas, spaces, or
       tabs.  Those that require a parenthesized argument permit spaces
       and tabs between the option’s name and the opening parenthesis.
       Options accumulate and cannot be unset within a region once
       declared; if an option that takes a parameter is repeated, the
       last occurrence controls.  If present, the set of region options
       must be terminated with a semicolon (;).

       Any of the allbox, box, doublebox, frame, and doubleframe region
       options makes a table “boxed” for the purpose of later

Whatever its other virtues, it doesn't mess up the pleasant page breaks
in the PDF version.


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