Hi Deri and Branden,

Thanks for your help and sorry that i'm so dumb when it comes
to fonts.

Deri wrote on Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 04:53:11PM +0100:
> On Tuesday, 21 June 2022 14:28:03 BST Ingo Schwarze wrote:

>> So far, i never cared to educate myself what "URW fonts" even are,
>> or what they might be useful for.  I know there have repeated been
>> messages about those fonts on this list, but i never bothered to
>> read them.

> The biggest difference if you use the URW fonts is the number of glyphs 
> available to use. If you compare the contents of TR with U-TR you will
> notice >here are a lot more glyphs you can use. For Latin-1 it is
> probably not important which one you use, but for other languages
> there are advantages.

Ah.  That reminds me that for one of the presentations i gave,
i needed cyrillic letters because i wanted to include a significant
number of Bulgarian names into the slides created with groff.
Back then, i ended up manually installing a cyrillic font to make
that work.  Now my impression is that it would probably have been
a better idea to include URW fonts into our groff port in the first
place: font/devpdf/U-TR appears to include cyrillic letters, unless
i'm misunderstanding something.

So paying better attention right away might have saved me some
extra work.

> It would help me a lot if you could send me a captured log of
> your "make", especially if you can use the version of BuildFoundries
> I have just committed which should show the paths used for searching.

Since the logs are rather large, i'm not appending them to emails,
but you can now inspect them here:


The logs in the first directory were generated by building directly
from git, the ones in the second directory using the "dest" tarball
generated in the first plus the ports framework.

In the ports build, i also set


(see config.log.txt) but 4_build.txt ends up with

  BuildFoundries: warning: line 69: 
  The path(s) used for searching:

anyway and does not create U-TR and friends.


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