> AI is a bane of formatting.

It's getting better.

Though I still prefer smart practices and dumb
<http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/W/well-behaved.html> programs,
instead of the other way around.

On Sun, 12 Jun 2022 at 09:01, Douglas McIlroy <douglas.mcil...@dartmouth.edu>

> AI is a bane of formatting. When Libre Office sees my name, M. Douglas
> McIlroy, at the beginning of a line, it renders it by default as a
> paragraph numbered with Roman numeral 1000 (and labels the next
> paragraph MI). While groff is not so wild, it does have AI foibles in
> intersentence spacing and in intersymbol spacing in eqn.
> To my eye, two spaces between sentences is excessive. So I often set
> the sentence space to zero. The output looks fine; and AI never bites.
> Doug

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