On Sun Jun 5, 2022 at 1:09 PM EDT, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> > How about "non-breaking escape"
> That's much too broad since most escape sequences are non-breaking.
> > or "non-printing escape" (not necessarily in that order of preference)?
> That's also too broad for my taste; here are a few more escape
> sequences that are non-printing and non-breaking unless i'm
> missing something: \{ \} \F \f \H \k \M \m \R \S \s \z
> The difference between \& and the others is that \& is a no-op
> whereas the others all have some side effect.

What about "input escape", possibly with a comparing it to the intended
purpose of the ASCII escape character?

DJ Chase
They, Them, Theirs

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