On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 12:49:18PM +0200, Hans Unzner wrote:
> Ok I try to restate my question.
> As far as I know, an-old.tmac is used when converting a man page to HTML
> with a command like this
> groff -Thtml -man a_man_page.9 > a_man_page.html
> But now I want to use a modified version of an-old.tmac without replacing it
> in the /usr/share/groff/ directory.
> Is it possible to do that? I always get a blank output when passing the
> modified macro with the -m option.


  Where and how does "groff" (not) find your file "an-old-fixed"?


  "an-old.tmac" is only read once due to the line

.do if d RI .nx

Bjarni I. Gislason

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