Hi Ralph, Ralph Corderoy wrote on Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 12:42:02PM +0000:
> Adding SPF can normally be done without much disruption and will help > the reputation of emails from usta.de. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework It's a feature that you can use varying mail servers to submit email messages, not a bug. SPF is a misguided idea that breaks email interoperability. The usta.de domain has hundreds of active users. How should the usta.de mail administrators know which mail servers all those users want to use? While many of those users are located at the University of Karlsruhe, not all are, and even for those here in Karlsruhe, it is a feature that you can use your usta.de sender address even when using a foreign SMTP server for sending mail. What would you think if you put a paper letter into a pillar box in Edinburgh and the letter got shredded instead of delivered merely because you wrote a London sender address on the envelope instead of a sender address located in Edinburgh? I think people who value receiving legitimate email just don't use Google mail. Google is obviouly attempting vendor lockin on the email ecosystem in general. By deliberately making email from non-gmail (including non-commercial and academic domains) unreliable, they try to coax as many people as they can into using their commercial services. I usually ignore Google mail users who whine that the service provider they picked doesn't work for them, but since you ask so explicitly, maybe it's worth explaining again. Sorry for the off-topic posting though. Yours, Ingo