Hi Branden,

On 2/1/22 20:34, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> I have a recommendation or two for how you should be able to get the
> behavior you want.
> Quoting your commit diff above...
> +$(MAN_cks): $(builddir)/%.cks.touch: $(MANDIR)/% Makefile | $$(@D)/.
> +     $(info GROFF CHECKSTYLE $@)
> +     $(GROFF) $(GROFFFLAGS) $<
> +     touch $@
> You can do the following:
> +DEFAULT_GROFFFLAGS += -Msomedir -mdeadly
> Where "somedir" is a convenient directory in your source tree; I'm not
> sure quite where would make the most sense for you, and I didn't study
> the project closely.  (Sorry, working on groff... :-| )
> The next thing to do is create a file, "deadly.tmac", in that same
> convenient directory you chose.
> cat > deadly.tmac
> .am an-style-warn
> .  ds LANDMINE\"
> ..
> .de end-of-input-macro
> .  if d LANDMINE .ab found style problems; aborting
> ..
> .em end-of-input-macro
> It looks like you're using the default output device, so you don't need
> to worry about the fact that continuous rendering mode already sets up
> an end-of-input macro.  If you've changed your default output device
> (say, with GROFF_TYPESETTER), then you need to append to the existing
> one instead of installing a new one.
> .am an-end
> .  if d LANDMINE .ab found style problems; aborting
> This should suffice to make the style warnings lethal.  The `ab` request
> causes troff to exit with a nonzero exit status, which will percolate up
> through groff in a way that wasn't documented until recently[1].
> If you want the formatter to blow up on the _first_ occurrence of a
> style problem, that's even easier.
> cat > deadly.tmac
> .am an-style-warn
> .  ab
> Does this help?

It's up and running.  Now I can try to learn all of those groff requests
with time.

It works perfectly, so please dismiss this bug report.  I think this
configurability is better than having a hardcoded default, even if the
default could be better than the current default.



commit f16c1c2a8269a3b1ec2718621b949f2c931df8d2 (HEAD -> main, alx/main,
Author: Alejandro Colomar <alx.manpa...@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 2 02:38:45 2022 +0100

    Makefile, etc/groff/deadly.tmac: Cause groff to error out when
reporting CHECKSTYLE errors

    Suggested-by: "G. Branden Robinson" <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com>
    Link: groff@
    Signed-off-by: Alejandro Colomar <alx.manpa...@gmail.com>

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index bd9a8e6..5813009 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -98,9 +98,14 @@ EXTRA_CPPLINTFLAGS   :=

+groff_tmac_dir   := $(SYSCONFDIR)/groff
+groff_tmac_names := deadly
+groff_tmac_files := $(foreach
+DEFAULT_GROFFFLAGS += -M $(groff_tmac_dir)
+DEFAULT_GROFFFLAGS += $(foreach x,$(groff_tmac_names),-m $(x))
@@ -212,7 +217,9 @@ $(UNITS_cpl): $(builddir)/%.cpl.touch: $(SRCDIR)/%.c
Makefile \
        $(CPPLINT) $(CPPLINTFLAGS) $< >/dev/null
        touch $@

-$(MAN_cks): $(builddir)/%.cks.touch: $(MANDIR)/% Makefile | $$(@D)/.
+$(MAN_cks): $(builddir)/%.cks.touch: $(MANDIR)/% Makefile \
+                                     $(groff_tmac_files) \
+                                   | $$(@D)/.
        $(info GROFF CHECKSTYLE $@)
        $(GROFF) $(GROFFFLAGS) $<
        touch $@
diff --git a/etc/groff/deadly.tmac b/etc/groff/deadly.tmac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b87cb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/groff/deadly.tmac
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.am an-style-warn
+.      ds LANDMINE\"
+.de end-of-input-macro
+.      if d LANDMINE .ab found style problems; aborting
+.em end-of-input-macro

Alejandro Colomar
Linux man-pages comaintainer; https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/

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