The PostScript from groff -man (version 1.22.4) applied to

> .RB [ U ] INT \fIN\fP _WIDTH


/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 433.3(a\(b\) a\(b\))72 48 R([)108 84 Q/F1 10
/Times-Bold@0 SF(U)A F0(])A F1(INT)A/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(N)A F1
(_WIDTH)A F0 226.78(c1)303.78 768 S 0 Cg EP

This defines /F0 as roman, /F1 as bold, and /F2 as italic. It switches
to F1 just before printing _WIDTH. Looks OK to me.

I think it's the font. Look at _LLL in Times Bold. The horizontals are
all thin, while the verticals are thick.


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