Hi Peter, > Is there a correct pronunciation of groff?
It's g-roff, just as ed(1) is e-d. History and culture are important so it's worth persisting and educating gently in the background, e.g. groff(1) should start This document describes the groff program, pronounced ‘gee-roff’, ... > Second question, maybe not so trivial. Is it acceptable to use a > comma for decimal fractions that are arguments to requests and macros > (say .ps 12,5 instead of .ps 12.5) if a user's locale supports it? No, because: troff's input is more code than data; and allowing it removes an option for future expansion. Input should be ASCII or UTF-8. That ISO 8859-1 is currently acceptable is a bit of an evolutionary accident and should be discouraged; I don't think preconv(1) uses it. $ dc -e 16iA3P | nroff | grep . £ $ dc -e 16iA3P | LC_ALL=en_GB.latin1 preconv .lf 1 - \[u00A3] -- Cheers, Ralph.