Hi, Andreas!

At 2021-10-26T23:56:47+0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> If you insert a semicolon or a newline after the b command, you will
> make it more portable.  Also, there is no need to repeat the regular
> expression a second time.
>       /\\##/ { s///; b; }

Thanks for these tips.  I'm afraid my lack of mastery of sed is revealed
in flaming letters.

> or even just
>       s/\\##//
>       t

This suggestion, however, did not work for me as-is[1].  However, I
liked the idea of not introducing a brace scope, and I was able to
resequence the substitutions to get what I wanted.

> The sed script also has another substitution further up that requries
> GNU sed:
>       s/.*\\##.*/&\n&/
> POSIX sed can't insert a newline with its s command using \n.  However,
> the following would be portable:
>       s/.*\\##.*/&\
>       &/
> That is, escape the literal newline.

I've taken this suggestion as well.

I'll follow up separately regarding the make/sh/sed mess.

Thank you very much for sharing your sed expertise.  I've pushed the
relevant commit[2].  The generation of the  msboxes.pdf document not
only fails to provoke sed warnings on Mac OS X now, but the output
looks correct under visual inspection as well.


[1] The substitution 's/\\" FOOTNOTE/@FOOTNOTE@/' is _not_ performed on
    most lines of the input.

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