Hi, Alex! At 2021-09-12T14:56:39+0200, Alejandro Colomar (man-pages) wrote: > Hi Branden, > > Usually, when a manual page highlights a term, either in bold or > italics, it usually is a special identifier (macro, function, command > name or argument), for which hyphenation can hurt readability and even > worse, turn it into a different valid identifier. > > What about disabling hyphenation for .B and .I? > Are there any inconveniences in doing so that I can't see?
The problem that arises is that the font styling macros are presentational, not semantic, so it's hard to know whether someone is using them for emphasis or to suggest syntactical information. This is why you made a statistical argument ("usually"). I'm hesitant to adopt your suggestion, because if we did make this change, it would be difficult to override in the other direction, e.g., the page author is thinking, "yes, I'm putting emphasis here--hyphenate the words as necessary, darn it!". Because hyphenation had already been suppressed, it would have to be manually added back in to every word in the arguments to .B and .I. Most writers of English, for good reason, cannot be bothered to learn where the hyphenation points are and understandably leave that chore to a computer. (Moreover, U.S. and Commonwealth English seem to apply different hyphenation rules.) In my opinion it is easier, in terms of maintaining flexibility and getting reliable results, to do what I do in the groff man page corpus--disable hyphenation on a per-word basis when necessary. To be concrete, I populated the shell variable "MANS" with the man source document files in the groff tree, and then performed this grep. $ grep '^\.[BIR]\([BIR]\) \\%' $MANS I got 434 matches in groff Git HEAD. Here are 3 of them. ./src/utils/lkbib/lkbib.1.man:.IR \%@g@indxbib (@MAN1EXT@) ./src/utils/lkbib/lkbib.1.man:.IR \%@g@refer (@MAN1EXT@), ./src/utils/lkbib/lkbib.1.man:.IR \%@g@lookbib (@MAN1EXT@), A whopping number of these are like the above: they are man page cross references. The `MR` macro I've been talking about for (over?) a year now would render this usage of \% unnecessary, because MR would be semantic and we know we _never_ want to hyphenate the name of a man page[1]. The manual suppression of hyphenation is not necessary if you know a word won't be hyphenated. A trick that's been passed around on the groff list is to have a shell one-liner handy that tells you all of the automatic hyphenation points groff thinks a word has. Here's the version of the "hyphen" script I use. #!/bin/sh for W do printf ".hy 4\n.ll 1u\n%s\n" "$W" | nroff -Wbreak | sed '/^$/d' | tr -d '\n' echo done I don't have to remember or reason out which of "indxbib", "refer", or "lookbib" will be hyphenated. I can ask groff. $ hyphen indxbib refer lookbib in‐dxbib re‐fer look‐bib Yup, they all need hyphens, so a leading \% is advised. [Aside: What's that "@g@" thing, you may ask? Like the man page section number, it is not groff syntax, but fodder for a sed script that replaces it during make(1) with the command prefix configured by the person who builds groff. (When groff was first written in 1989-1991, it often had to share a disk with a proprietary troff installation, and needed to stay out of the latter's way.) Since I can't know at man page maintenance time what the builder will choose for a prefix, I have to assume that it is something that is hyphenable, and so I suppress its hyphenation.] By contrast, I don't need to suppress hyphenation for the following. [Aside: These command names also don't collide with historical troff names, so they don't need the command prefix, either.] ./src/utils/tfmtodit/tfmtodit.1.man:.IR groff (@MAN1EXT@), ./src/utils/tfmtodit/tfmtodit.1.man:.IR grodvi (@MAN1EXT@), In my view, this is really not much work; I spend much more time thinking about and recasting at the sentence or paragraph level--or realizing there's some concept that we haven't explained adequately at all and drafting a presentation of it...and, for that matter, composing emails like this one--than I do worrying about hyphenation points. Nevertheless, I recognize that many contributors of man pages to the Linux man-pages project are _profoundly_ uninterested in typography--in fact they may have hyphenation disabled altogether in their man page renderer[3]--and regard every single thing they are required to learn about *roff or man(7) syntax as one more nudge in the direction of Markdown or some other alternative that they imagine will deliver them to an effortless utopia where documentation practically writes itself. I acknowledge that placement of these hyphenation control escapes looks tedious (and it is, slightly). If we want to fix this in the man(7) macro language, then, in my opinion, the right way is to cross the Rubicon and add more semantic macros. I have never forwarded a serious proposal along these lines because I still have full-thickness burns over 90% of my body from exposure to DocBook 25 years ago. The problem that mortified me is that as soon as people get their hands on a semantic tag they have, all too often, deployed it the highest syntactical level of the implementation language they can locate. In HTML, for example, that is the element. If we had a pair of macros that meant "my argument is a keyword" or "my argument represents user-replaceable text", respectively, then we could easily and reliably solve the problem at the level you're tempted to. (Though as a matter of fact, I would _not_ disable hyphenation for nonliterals...why should we? They don't need to be copy and pasted as-is--if they are, they get replaced anyway by definition--and descriptive nonliterals are sometimes long[4], as anyone who's read a few BNF grammars can attest.) The smallest, tightest solution I have been managed to contemplate that does not bloat the name space of man(7) is something along these likes. .KW keyword [tag-space] .VA metavar [tag-space] Here is a straw-man example. .KW strlen function and .KW strnlen return .KW size_t type and take an argument .VA s variable that is expected to be a .KW "const char *" type ...which would render as strlen and strnlen return size_t and take an argument s that is expected to be a const char * "strlen", "strnlen", "size_t" and "const char *" would be styled as directed elsewhere (with defaults in an.tmac or an-ext.tmac, but possibly overridden in man.local to suite distributor or site tastes). I wanted to end the example sentence with a period, but right away we hit one of the problems that has prevented me from advancing this proposal, which is the question of how to handle adjacent punctuation...add yet another macro argument for it, or encourage usage of the output line continuation escape \c, which historically terrifies people? Support multiple optional arguments, and force people to learn to quote empty macro arguments, an inconvenience that man(7) largely already spares them from if they practice good style[5]? In case it needs to be pointed out, I think it's impractical for man(7)--as a macro package--to prescribe descriptors for the "tag" name space. mdoc(7) somewhat notoriously maintains large catalogs of a proliferating number of BSD-descended operating system names and releases, a source of ongoing tedium and maintainability frustrations[6]. DocBook's attempt to boil this ocean is what drove me away from it and I don't want to bloat groff man(7) with something that's going to demand community consensus--and, I expect, some amount of heated debate--to resolve. The virtues of _having_ a tag name space are, I trust, well understood, and their availability is a point Ingo takes some justified pride in with the support thereof in mandoc(1). The Linux man-pages project is much better suited than the groff project is to design and promulgate a set of canonical tags; to point out just one blind spot, groff doesn't ship _any_ section 2 or 3 man pages, whereas these sections are Linux man-pages' bread and butter (though the long-neglected section 7 is looking better all the time and at last fulfilling its decades-old potential). I don't have answers to the questions I've raised, so in the meantime, I practice the discipline of using the hyphenation control escape sequence with the font style macros. To conclude this epistle with some possible next steps to take, I foresee a few possibilities. 1. Despair of popularizing this knowledge. Encourage people to continue to do as they have always done, and trust more detail-oriented contributors like yourself to clean up .B and .I calls with hyphenation control escapes as required. 2. Teach people about correct usage of the \% escape in man-pages(7), and remind contributors about this subject about as often as you have to do regarding semantic newlines. 3. Lobby for a change to man(7) implementations as you originally suggested. I know I've voiced some resistance to this idea, but your bigger challenge may be getting a hold of any maintainers of non-groff man(7) implementations to even field the proposal. On the other hand, if groff and mandoc are all you care about, you've already reached the right people. :) 4. Have Linux man-pages provide its own implementations of .B and .I to do what you want. (Every Linux man-pages document could use the `.so` request to load such overrides.) This might represent an irreconcilable conflict between your project's needs and groff, and I'm pretty sure no one wants to see that happen, but in the spirit of frankness I have to point out that this is a possibility, and one that may not have occurred to many Linux man-pages contributors. 5. Cross the Rubicon and develop semantic macros for man(7). The payoff here is huge but the effort required will not be small. (Implementation is not the hard part; socializing the change and providing a smooth transition/deployment path for umpteen distributors who won't ship Linux man-pages releases in synchrony with any other particular thing will be much more challenging, I predict. And that's not even counting the issue of standardizing a lexicon for the tag name space.) 6. [ObIngoSchwarze: Switch to mdoc(7).] Regards, Branden [1] Erlang developers may disagree.[2] :-| [2] https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?43532 [3] Or would, if they knew it was possible. See the `HY` register in the "Options" section of groff_man(7) or the `--nh` option of man-db man(1). [4] Here's an example from groff_font(5) in groff Git HEAD. papersize format‐or‐dimension‐pair‐or‐file‐name Set the dimensions of the physical output medium according to the argument, which is either a standard paper format, a pair of dimensions, or the name of a plain text file containing either of the foregoing. Recognized paper for‐ mats are the ISO and DIN formats A0–A7, B0–B7, C0–C7, and D0–D7; the U.S. formats letter, legal, tabloid, ledger, statement, and executive; and the envelope formats com10, monarch, and DL. Case is not significant for the argument if it holds predefined paper types. Alternatively, the argument can be a custom paper size in the format length,width (with no spaces before or after the comma). Both length and width must have a unit ap‐ pended; valid units are “i” for inches, “c” for centime‐ ters, “p” for points, and “P” for picas. Example: “12c,235p”. An argument that starts with a digit is al‐ ways treated as a custom paper format. Finally, the argument can be a file name (e.g., /etc/pa‐ persize); if the file can be opened, troff reads the first line and attempts to match the above forms. No comment syntax is supported. More than one argument can be specified; troff scans from left to right and uses the first valid paper specifica‐ tion. [5] https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/groff_man_style.7.html#Notes [6] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=867123
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