Hi, Thank you Werner for your great input.
So I'll leave the embedded fonts out and take it a step further.
I'm thinking of going old school. I generate once a nice stationary
letterhead with groff.
and for the letters themselves I start them at the right vertical position..
I looked it up with the \n[ln] register. So I know where to start. And if
they need printing or mailing.
I create a small script two stamp the letter on to the stationary.
I tried this out and worked like a charm.

I even added gzip to reduce the postscript files which slashed the file
size even more by 50%
So now I have a one time stationary letter file of 88KB which contains two
company logos. and an average letter that is around 10KB
When I gzip them I have the header of 40KB and the average letter is less
than 3KB.
This is quite a victory coming from 12MB a file.
Thank you ,
Kind regards
Wim Stockman

Op do 21 jan. 2021 om 11:12 schreef Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org>:

> > So thank you for the tip. I disabled the fonts in the /devps/download
> file
> > and it went from 12MB to 92K so that is already a big step forward.
> > Is there a better way to disable the embedding of fonts ?
> Not that I'm aware of.
> > Because I still see a lot of this :
> > "
> > grops begin/DEFS 1 dict def DEFS begin/u{.001 mul}bind def end/RES 72
> > def/PL 841.89 def/LS false def/ENC0[/asciicircum/asciitilde/Scaron
> > /Zcaron/scaron/zcaron/Ydieresis/trademark/quotesingle/Euro/.notdef
> > /.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef
> > /.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef
> > /.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/space/exclam/quotedbl/numbersign/dollar/percent
> > /ampersand/quoteright/parenleft/parenright/asterisk/plus/comma/hyphen
> > "
> > in the Postscript file.  Can I somehow remove them. I don't need all
> > those special characters.
> No, you can't.  Those arrays are encoding vectors necessary to access
> those fonts in general, regardless whether they are embedded or not.
> As I told you in the previous e-mail: You need to postprocess groff's
> PS output to get something smaller since font subsetting is not
> implemented.
>     Werner

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