On Friday, 22 January 2021 03:56:00 GMT G. Branden Robinson wrote: > The gap between aspiration and implementation. I don't think the > "copy-and-paste from PDF to terminal window" matter is completely sorted > out yet.
Hi Branden, I can't seem to make this not work. In my last email I explained how a default ucmap is installed in the pdfs produced by gropdf, so assuming the pdf viewer supports the pdf standard it should not require a change to the man macros you favour. I have tested using 'xpdf' as the viewer which pastes:- - − fi <== without ucmap - - fi <== with ucmap Of course, if the pdf is produced by using grops and ghostscript the result will be the same as using gropdf with no ucmap, i.e. '-' and '\-' will be pasted as different characters. Cheers Deri