Sorry to jump in, but because of the recent thread around sentence spacing, 
probably the man page should either have every sentence start on a new line, or 
put two spaces after sentence-final periods?


> On Jan 6, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Dorai Sitaram via <> wrote:
> Thanks, Doug! I've updated to include 
> your suggestions 2 and 3.
> I am not at all confident that the man page I've added hits the right notes 
> or even uses the correct terminology, but the community can easily correct it 
> to meet its standards. 
> --d
>     On Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 04:19:59 PM EST, M Douglas McIlroy 
> <> wrote:  
> rfc1345.tmac is a great contribution. I hope to see
> 1. inclusion in the standard groff distribution.
> 2. the gitlab comment
>   "Added \[Eu], \[=R], \[=P] from Vim digraph table."
>   inserted in the file
> 3. A section groff_mrfc1245 in man7. It can be very short.
>   Tell what it is; and refer readers to the file itself to
>   see the 1696 glyphs it defines.
> Doug

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