On 19.10.20 14:14, Johann Höchtl wrote:
On 15.10.20 16:37, Pierre-Jean Fichet wrote:
To fetch for ideas on how to do this or that, maybe can I also point
to my macros, as they'll work with neatroff too, and implement a lot
of things: https://github.com/pjfichet/utmac/
I installed utmac by downloading it and copying all .tmac - files into
netaroff's tmac directory.
Then I copied para.tr and lorem.tr into the demo directory of neatroff
and executed:
../neatroff/roff -mu-fonts -mus para.tr | ../neatpost/pdf -pa4 > out.pdf
(also tried for curiosity with muh and mul)
That creates a workable pdf but produces the following error:
neatroff: failed to mount <f-001>
neatroff: failed to mount <f-000>
neatroff: failed to mount <f-001>
neatroff: failed to mount <f-000>
neatroff: failed to mount <f-001>
neatroff: failed to mount <f-000>
neatroff: failed to mount <f-001>
neatroff: failed to mount <f-000>
I suspect I have missing fonts or am I missing another utmac - macro
Your help would be very appreciated. BTW How comes that section headings
work as a forward reference? Can I move with utmac the complete TOC to
the frontmatter without using psutils or the likes?
Best, Johann
Hoping that helps!