B 9 wrote in <20200619061008.okwcr%hacke...@member.fsf.org>: |Since mdoc is a "semantic markup language", I presumed it would have |some way to specify a hyperlink in running text that won't (to the |best of mdoc's abilities) interfere with the flow of the text. The |exact implementation would be chosen by mdoc based on what output |device is selected. It could be something like this:
Yes i am reading this list and yes this has been implemented in the past (in 2014). Unfortunately it has not been merged. And your mailer i available in a newer version which fixes hundreds of bugs, and adds some nice features. | HTML, use a link; | nroff, drop the URL;¹ | PDF, use both a link and a footnote in case it gets printed. | |For printed output, the tried and true method for the last |few centuries has been footnotes, so it makes sense for mdoc to |support that, if possible. | |But, as I said, I have no idea how hard it would be to add footnote |output to mdoc. It might not even be feasible. Pretty easy i presume, at least in the mdoc macros. |Also, I'm more concerned at the moment that I can't find any way to |attach hyperlinks to text in the middle of sentences using mdoc. Lk's |addition of a newline and colon and insistence on always printing the |URL makes me think it is the wrong tool. Is there another option I'm |missing? Perhaps implementing a new macro similar to Lk? | |Thank you, Please. Here you are. |--b9 | |_____ |¹ Or, is it possible to have footnotes in screen form? Maybe using | bracketed numbers [42]. --End of <20200619061008.okwcr%hacke...@member.fsf.org> --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)