Hi Branden,

> > Heirloom sh is happy with it if I replace $() with ``.
> Oy vey.  That's a cure worse than the disease!

I was just using that as an another data point; a Bourne shell doesn't
require the single quote to be escaped.

Returning to the original,


    expected="' = '"

    actual=$("$groff" -Tlatin1 <<EOF
    .pl 1v
    \[oq] = '

    diff -u <(echo "$expected") <(echo "$actual")

It looks like the test harness needs a common shell script that provides
convenience functions.  Then the test script can read more like

    # All run under `set -eu' with a trap on EXIT.

    title 'Check -Tlatin1's \(oq'

    in=$(tmp) want=$(tmp)   # Values won't need quoting.
    cat >$in <<\E
    .pl 1
    \e(oq = \(oq
    echo '\(oq = `' >$want

    got=$(tmp) err=$(tmp)
    run "$groff" -Tlatin <$in >$got 2>$err   # Allows inserting valgrind(1).
    empty $err
    equal $got $want   # If different, shows start of diff output.

    cleanup   # Removes tmp files if tests successful.

with the functions evolving over time to suit groff's needs, and
presumably fitting in with Automake's parallel-test harness, if that's
what's being used.

Cheers, Ralph.

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