
I ran into the same problem; it looks really, really bad.  I reported it
last year as bug #54909 (https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?54909); the
problem arises from the code that generates HTML.  I don't have a real
fix, but have a hack to produce the long-standing behavior at the
expense of HTML output; it's described in the bug report.

Jeff Conrad

> From: groff [mailto:groff-bounces+jeff_conrad=msn....@gnu.org] On Behalf
> Of Damian McGuckin
> Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2019 10:03 PM
> When using the 'mm' macros, I try
>       .H 1 "A Heading"
>       .AL 1
>       .LI
>       My List
> under, if gives me a single space between the space and the
> list.
>       1. A Heading
>       My List
> This is the correct behaviour and has been since the days of DWB/MM.
> Some of use are that old to remember that.  Sad!
> Anyway, then I try it under 1.22.3, I get 2 spaces between the two.
> Before I go fishing for the problem, has anybody else experienced this
> and have a fix?

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