
I've used pic to create a business card.  It contains a logo (written in
Postscript) that references a font not in the standard font set (font
name: TwCenMT-Regular).
I'm referencing this font only from inside the Postscript file and not from
my troff code.

The only way I've been able to convince groff/grops to recognize this font
is to include the TwCenMT-Regular.pfa file using

    \X'ps: file TwCenMT-Regular.pfa'

I tried editing the devps download file to read

    # List of downloadable fonts

    # PostScript-name     Filename

    Symbol-Slanted        symbolsl.pfa

    ZapfDingbats-Reverse  zapfdr.pfa

    FreeEuro              freeeuro.pfa

    TwCenMT-Regular       TwCenMT-Regular.pfa

and putting the TwCenMT-Regular.pfa file in the devps directory, but
groups won't use it.

Can you provide any help?

Best regards,

Bill Ward

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