Hello, I got the "UNIX Text Processing" book in groff format, link "groff and PostScript files--Beta" at [1] and built the default "utp_book.ps" target. The resulting PostScript file and its conversion to PDF via ps2pdf have no outline.
I see the Makefile is doing… something to generate the ToC and in fact it has toc.t as dependency of utp_book.ps target, this file is not used anymore when building utp_book.ps . I am very new to groff, I am in the process of reading the groff chapter of the book now, can anyone enlighten me about what's happening with the ToC there, if it is supposed to be available and browseable from PS/PDF viewer or if it is an "incomplete feature" of the groff port of the book? Regards [1]: https://www.oreilly.com/openbook/utp/ -- Andrea