> [...] it would create a nonbreaking space and then a
> breakpoint, which would result in that space appearing at
> the end of the line, which would misalign the right margin
> in fully justified text. I'm looking for a fixed-width
> space that can be *replaced* by a line break (the typical
> behavior for a breakable space) -- that is, the space no
> longer appears, either at the end of the current line or
> the start of the next -- rather than a line break happening
> before or after an unpaddable space, as would happen with
> \:\| or \|\:.
A simple way to achieve this is:
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.de Text
\Z'\m[red]\v'-0.7v'\D'l 0 7v'\h'\\n(.lu'\D'l 0 -7v'\m[]'\
I'm looking for a fixed-width space that can be replaced
by a line break (the typical behavior for a
.di XX
breakable space)
\(em that is,\p the space no longer appears, either at the
end of the current line or the start of the next \(em
rather than a line break happening before or after
an unpaddable space.
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.po 2.5c
.ps 20
.vs 22
.sp 3
.ll 21c-6c
.ll 21c-5c
This fails, however, if there is a current indent, because the
indent becomes part of the diverted text. To prevent this, we
can process the unpadded text with zero indent, in a separate
environment to avoid interference with the running text:
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.de unpad
.ev 1
.evc 0
.in 0
.di XX
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.de Text
\Z'\m[green]\v'-0.7v'\h'-\\n(.iu'\D'l 0 7v'\h'\\n(.iu'\m[]\
\m[red]\D'l 0 -7v'\h'\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu'\D'l 0 7v'\m[]'\
I'm looking for a fixed-width space that can be replaced
by a line break (the typical behavior for a
.unpad breakable space)
\(em that is,\p the space no longer appears, either at the
end of the current line or the start of the next \(em
rather than a line break happening before or after
an unpaddable space.
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.po 2c
.ps 20
.vs 22
.sp 3
.in 1c
.ll 21c-5c
.ll 21c-4c