In my opinion it would be nice if groff had a request that would print
its argument with all hyphenation points visible, reminiscent of the way
some dictionaries render their head words.

E.g., a dictionary may say:


I ask for a groff request because otherwise the hyphenation points seem
to be a black box, and it requires a contrivance to discover them, such
as the attached quick hack I threw together.

Any alternatives, ideas, or recommendations?


set -e

PREFACE='.ll 100n
The current hyphenation language as set by the hla request is \\n[.hla].
The maximum allowed number of consecutive hyphenated lines as set by the hlm
request is \\n[.hlm].
The current hyphenation flags (as set by the hy request) is \\n[.hy].
The current hyphenation margin (as set by the hym request) is \\n[.hym].
The current hyphenation space (as set by the hys request) is \\n[.hys].

LENGTH=$(echo -n $WORD | wc -c)

while [ $W -gt 0 ]; do
    echo .ll ${W}n;
    echo $WORD;
    echo .br;
    W=$(( W - 1 ));

#echo "$PREFACE""$DOC"
echo "$PREFACE""$DOC" | nroff 2> /dev/null | sed '/^$/d'

# vim:set ai et sw=4 ts=4 tw=80:

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