On Wed, Aug 22, 2018, Pierre-Jean Fichet wrote:
> Hello alls,
> Tadziu Hoffmann <hoffm...@usm.uni-muenchen.de> wrote:
> > Note that I'm not saying that you should generally not
> > write your own macros.  On the contrary, I'm all for it.
> I must say that discussion gave me the uncomfortable feeling
> that people were advocating against writing personal macros.

The discussion has been framed such that macros have been set
in opposition to requests, leading to the assumption that the
participants are advocating for one or the other, which is not the
case.  Effective groff use has always entailed writing "personal"
macros, either to supplement an existing package or to meet
site-specific challenges.  So, no, no one has been suggesting
there's something wrong with writing your own macros.

I get the feeling Holger has been expressing dissatisfaction with
templates and frameworks generally--a dissatisfaction we all
experience from time to time.

Peter Schaffter

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