At 2018-04-23T09:04:25+1000, John Gardner wrote: > Well, here it is: > > > > Some modifications were needed for web-delivery, and performance still > isn't optimal, but it works. You'll need a relatively recent browser to use > it (anything released within the last year should do). > > Few things to note before you try it:
This looks fantastic! Thank you for doing this work! I'd love to see what the source looks like, but when I alter the URL, I get a bunch of 404s. > - *Some fonts may look different.* Browsers handle font-rendering, which > means the base 35 PDF fonts won't be visible in the renderer unless they've > also been installed in your system's usual fonts directory. I found a possible Unicode handling problem. In the attached ditroff output, note that the angle brackets around the email address in the "AUTHORS" section are rendered as different glyphs altogether. > - *There's an issue with zooming.* This is what I'm stuck on, and when > Branden offered help with matrix calculations, I decided the best way of > explaining was with a working demo. > > If you zoom in using the *100%* menu, you'll notice you can't scroll > left or upwards. That's because the page contents extend past the top-left > corner of the browser window, and we all know you can't scroll past the > window's origin corner. I see what you mean. I don't think there's a matrix math problem here. If I had to guess, you are doing a coordinate transform from document coordinates to canvas (and/or browser window) coordinates, and clamping the wrong pair. For instance, if I zoom a document to 150%, there is obviously document content off-screen to the left. So the x coordinate is negative in the browser window, but of course it is still positive in the document's coordinate frame. I know nothing about JavaScript frameworks (apart from the existence of this "canvas" thing, which is a fairly generic term for a drawing window anyway). Anyway, if I can get my hands on the source, maybe we can put our heads together on the problem. Great work! -- Regards, Branden
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Description: PGP signature