Hi Larry,

> Let’s see… we have -man, -mdoc, -mm, -me, -mom

That are all distinct things, named differently, with different macros.
No one takes their -mm source and expects it to run with -mom.  That's
like saying Asciidoc source should work with Markdown programs.

> 1) Most of the dialects are close enough that moving a document from
> one to another is a lot easier than, say, moving from -ms to -mom.

Moving from -ms to -mom you know you've got work to do.  Taking Markdown
source and giving it to a different program to the one you wrote it with
then means working out how the new program interprets it differently, if
you know to be aware of the potential problem.

I'm glad you're finding it useful, but it's not a panacea to groff's
input problems.

Cheers, Ralph.

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