On Wed 14 Mar 2018 15:37:00 Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> When viewing with mupdf(1) on this 1920×1080, `f' for full-screen, then
> `H' to fit its height to the screen gives a slight non-paper edge at
> both sides.  `W' to fit width instead gets rid of them, losing a bit top
> and bottom I presume, but working at a page size in points could be the
> other way?
>     $ e 448/252
>     1.77777777777777777777
> -- 
> Cheers, Ralph.
> https://plus.google.com/+RalphCorderoy

Hi Ralph,

I have tried with the mupdf on my system (v1.5) and and I press `f` and `p`, 
and either `H` or `W` and there is a grey border on all sides but all the 
slide is shown, does not alter whether fitted to height or width.

So I compiled the latest released version (v1.12) and this produced a mupdf-gl 
and mupdf-x11. The gl version showed the grey borders still, but the x11 
filled the entire screen and no movement when the H and V keys are pressed. 
When in presentation mode mupdf seems to support the Blinds and Wipe 
transitions but uses a fade for all the others.

If you have it, evince pdf reader, seems to have most support for presentation 
mode that I have found.



PS I did try setting the papersize in points (448p,252p), but the grey border 
still appeared, and it was hard to notice a difference.

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