The file "om.tmac" does not get rebuilt when "om.tmac-u" changes.
After "make clean" and using script: #!/bin/sh set -fu unstripped=$HOME/git/groff/contrib/mom/om.tmac-u stripped=$HOME/git/groff/build/contrib/mom/om.tmac sed -e '/^\.\\"/d' -e '/^\\#/d' -e 's/ *\\".*$//' -e 's/ *\\#.*$//' \ $unstripped > $geyma diff -w "$geyma" "$stripped" | tee $afrit The only difference in the files are lines with '.', for example: 1a2,3 > .\" This is a generated file, created by 'tmac/strip.sed' in groff's > .\" source code bundle from a file having '-u' appended to its name. 2565d2566 < . 2568d2568 < . 2616d2615 < . ... -- Bjarni I. Gislason