On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, at 00:55, Damian McGuckin wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Oct 2016, Gerard Lally wrote:
> > Well the sample is meaningless; I searched for a "desktop publishing"
> > image and chose that one at random as a reasonably complex example of
> > what I had in mind. Good typography is one of the reasons I am hoping to
> > standardize on *roff. It's going to be a lifetime commitment for me. I
> > can see its value with regard to normal document formatting, but I was
> > curious to know whether it could be pushed to handle more complex DTP,
> > brochure and business card layouts.
> I first started using Troff in 1978. Maybe Doug wants to comment on his 
> use over time.
> I have used it for primarily technical papers, reports, invoices,
> purchase 
> orders, and letters for nearly 40 years. I do not use a separate DTP tool 
> although I am an engineer who does research and who writes reports and 
> bills people for time+materials.
> I have most certainly have used it for our business cards which do use a 
> (separately purchased) Adobe font. I have also used groff for brochures 
> although its use in that role has been saldly limited by my own (lack of) 
> artistic flair. I, like numerous people in the past, am using it for two 
> books I am writing. Heaps of people around the world would have used it
> for theses.

I anticipate *roff satisfying 95% of my needs Damian: articles, letters,
reports, technical papers. It's great to hear from you people who have
been using it "from the dawn of creation"!


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