John Gardner <> wrote: |Adding colours to manual-pages is a solution to a problem that doesn't |exist. It's purely aesthetic. | |As both a graphic designer *and* a programmer, I can say with confidence |that both disciplines exist to solve problems. If colour is what helps a |reader navigate a manpage's content, then the content in question is |probably a victim of a more mundane issue of poor structuring, verbosity, |and/or misuse of formatting.
I'm hoping for you that being a graphic designer with a preference for minimalistic designs makes a living. ^.^ In the end that feature would (hopefully will) also be for you, then, because when i look at the manual of my MUA, which uses mdoc and has been tweaked with commitment to be fully referenced (regarding .Ev, .Va, .Ic, .Xr, .Cd etc.), with or without the mdocmx extension enabled, i see many, many words which are underlined or bold already today. And then turning on the mdocmx extension enabled hundreds and hundreds of functional hyperlinks, also on the TTY and in less(1), ^.^, and those are ISO blue. If i could, i would use a colour which does not stand out _that_ much, for example. I think it would be a good thing to have. --steffen