Hello. Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote: |Ralph Corderoy wrote on Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 04:10:15PM +0100: |> Xose wrote: | |>> I'm using: groff -z -b -wall manpage.x |>> Is there anything better? | |> Not as far as I know. | |Inside groff, that is.
|Several linters exist. You are too modest in my opinion, mandoc -Tlint is the best i know. (It doesn't know .Mx, which is, well, a pity.) | schwarze@isnote $ which igor But thanks for pointing out igor nonetheless, it reported quite some long-standing spelling mistakes of mine, which i thus could fix. Good to know that these can happen to native english speakers, too. Note you have to face being credited. In general it is astounding that it is not astounding that "good enough" doesn't write some overlay macro packages which check more error conditions. --steffen