Anton Shterenlikht <> wrote:
 |On FreeBSD 11-current, with groff 1.22 installed
 |rat> pkg info -xo groff
 |groff-1.22.2_4                 textproc/groff
 |rat> pkg info -xl groff|grep groh
 |        /usr/local/bin/post-grohtml
 |        /usr/local/bin/pre-grohtml
 |        /usr/local/man/man1/grohtml.1.gz

 |Before I contact the FreeBSD groff maintainer,
 |should a separate grohtml binary be built
 |as part of groff-1.22?

I think it's just «irritation because of fuzzy manual language».
As in «HTML output device can be chosen by using the -Thtml
command line option of groff(1)».
And don't forget to double check the output if you really think of
using it (my one cent)!


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