Anton Shterenlikht <> wrote:
 |>This script will prefer environment variables GROFF_BIN_DIR then
 |>GROFF_BIN_PATH (why is all that, btw.?  pffffh!) falling back to
 |>PATH as a last option only.  So doing
 |>  $ ( GROFF_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/bin/; $GROFF_BIN_PATH/pdfroff )
 |>should do it, no?  Not seldom the quality of packages is really,
 |>really regrettable.
 |Thank you. I got it to work.
 |Are you saying this is something that should be
 |properly fixed in the FreeBSD groff package?
 |If so, I'll submit a PR for the port maintainer
 |to have a look.

No, i changed my mind while writing the message...
(Staying flexible is very mammal'ish.  Also the key of survival,
which is why i don't believe in green plus genetic engineering.-)


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