Hi Aaron,

Aaron Davies wrote on Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 12:38:13PM -0500:

> \(bu bullets in man pages are rendering as question marks under
> default settings for me
> is this expected?

No, but you don't supply enough information to really help debugging.

 * Which version of which operating system are you running?
 * Which version of groff are you running?
 * Which version of man(1) are you running?

Please show the output of the following commands:

 $ locale
 $ env | grep -i term
 $ echo '\(bu' | nroff | hexdump -C
 $ echo '\(bu' | mandoc | hexdump -C

The latter may help diagnosing the problem if you have mandoc(1)

More information may be needed, but the above should get us started.

I suspect that you have set your locale(1) to an encoding your
terminal doesn't support, for example a UTF-8 locale in a non-UTF-8
terminal, but that's a far shot given that you provided so little

> $ grep ^TROFF /etc/man.config
> TROFF/usr/bin/groff -Tps -mandoc

That's probably not relevant.  The output shown below indicates
that your man(1) is not using the -Tps output mode.


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