qpdfview works fine,
acroread 9.5.5 shoes the menu but blank pages and an empty error message
Foxitreader 1.1 shows headers but the lines of text are predominantly
overstruck at the left margin.
pdfedit reports
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
pdfedit: cobject2xpdf.cc:640: pdfobjects::IProperty*
const Object&, const IndiRef&): Assertion `!"Bad type."' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
Nigel Gunton MIET,
Department of Engineering Design & Mathematics,
UWE, Bristol, BS16 1QY
Phone : +44/0 117 32 83630 Fax : +44/0 117 32 83002