On Fri 12 Jun 2015 23:23:14 Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi, I use the following command to generate a pdf file from a manpage.
> But the pdf file has title "Untitled". I want to unset it via groff.
> But I don't see an option to set title to be null. Would you please
> let me know how to unset the title with groff?
> groff -Tps -mandoc -c < $(man -w ls) | ps2pdf - > /tmp/ls.pdf

I have a program which might be useful. You can test it with:-

wget http://chuzzlewit.co.uk/WebManPDF.pl/man:/groff -O groff.pdf


wget http://chuzzlewit.co.uk/WebManPDF.pl/man:/ls -O ls.pdf

It does not unset the title but does set it to the name of the command. The 
program has many quirks which I have not fixed yet, but you are welcome to a 
copy if you want.

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