Hi Peter,

On Thu, Jun 04 2015 at 07:23:14 AM, Peter Bray <pdb...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> All,
> With _many_ thanks to Dave, who proofread all the comments and text
> associated with the patch submission, an updated patch file has been
> attached to  <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?44784>:
> file #34156:  with-compatibility-wrappers-revision-1.patch
> All the comments supplied by Dave in a private email have been
> implemented, and the suggested unification of concept naming in the
> comments and text has been implemented, hopefully they will pass
> muster.
> The code changes are quite small, and now with the commentary and text
> improved, is any one willing to review the code changes?

I've reviewed the code and made some tests on my Linux distro (checking
all the options of --with-compatibility-wrappers), and it works fine.
If nobody has any remark on this patch I'll commit it for you in a few
days (I'll just add a change log and a few words in the NEWS file).


Bertrand Garrigues

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