Hi Bjarni,

>   Adding more delimiters is still better
> .ie \n[.$] \{\
> .  ie "\$1"$Mdocdate:" \{\
> .    ds date-string \$2\~\$3, \$4
> .  \}
> .  el \{\
> .    ie (\n[.$] == 3) \{\
> .      ds date-string \$1\~\$2 \$3
> .    \}
> .    el \{\
> .      ds date-string "\*[date-\n[mo]]
> .      as date-string \~\n[dy], \n[year]
> .    \}
> .  \}
> .\}
> .el \{\
> .  ds date-string Epoch
> .\}

The end result is poor because it suffers from `marching indentation';
as the if-elseif-...-elseif-else chain grows, the code marches across
the page.  Here, only two spaces are used for indentation.  The effect
is worse with the common four spaces.

That also causes the bodies of code which are conceptually at the same
logical level, i.e. the first three .ds above, to misleadingly appear at
different physical levels.

Cheers, Ralph.

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