Heinz-Jürgen Oertel <hj.oer...@t-online.de> wrote: |Am Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015, 22:56:13 schrieb Deri James: |> Nowadays I use the dasher program for |> all writing, except coding. | |I had a look at dasher. Interesting, but needs a lot of training. |Thanks for the hint.
I did too and played a bit with the applet. This must be an enormous assistance for many disabled persons, but especially so for those which can use the eye-tracker! I'm, well, still, looking forward for the brain-implant and the blood stream patrol nanorobots, even though it is perfectly clear that sapiens sapiens will misuse all that in the most evil ways. Compared with think+typeset dasher surely is more linear. But writing by "flying" through alphabet snippets is an interesting experience, just wondering why it wasn't invented in Berkeley.. so to say. --steffen