Hi Werner, > > > (Ex; expr ) > > This is a nice idea and indeed a possible solution to the problem. > However, I think it's probably too restricted to cover all aspects > people were discussing here. ... > After reading this thread I think the best solution is to define a new > request, for example `.ifx' (`if' extended). Then it would be > straightforward to define a new, flexible syntax that is not hampered > by backwards compatibility.
And .whilex? If we've a new .ifx, which I think is a bit clunky, maybe we should bear in mind having a .elif and .else too that don't need the .ifx to be .iex. (Or .elsif; Python use elif, Perl elsif. elsif at least sounds like `else if'.) Plumping for (E; expr) leaves control structures as a separate thing to think about. Cheers, Ralph.