Hi Grégoire, > Will it be possible in a while to get the new version on Synaptic?
Ubuntu's package manager? http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/groff says 14.10's is currently 1.22.2-8 and that they take Debian's package, maintained by Colin Watson (who's on this list). That version is what's in Debian's `testing', https://packages.debian.org/jessie/groff Debian's `unstable' has 1.22.3-1! https://packages.debian.org/sid/groff Thanks Colin. :-) But I don't think Ubuntu will update the normal groff package until 15.04, and that's when Debian's 1.22.3 might arrive there. Ah, Colin's https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/groff has 1.22.3-1 down for 15.04. Whether you can find a PPA containing 1.22.3 that's compatible with whatever version you're running, I don't know. Cheers, Ralph.