Hi Ulrich,

On Thu, Sep 25 2014 at 04:32:08 PM, Ulrich Lauther <ulrich.laut...@t-online.de> 
> I made some research and found:
> 1.
> with 
>         ./configure; make
>         ./configure --prefix=/home/privat/groff_test; make; make install
>         groff_test/bin/groff -v

if you change frequently your configuration, I would advise you to build
out of the source tree (e.g
  mkdir build
  cd build
  ../configure && make

It's easier to manage (you can create 1 build directory per

However, with these exact commands I reproduce the problem.

> I get
>         Failed to open /usr/local/share/groff/site-font/devps/DESC:
>           No such file or directory
>         Failed to open /usr/local/share/groff/1.22.2/font/devps/DESC: 
>           No such file or directory
>         Failed to open /usr/lib/font/devps/DESC: No such file or directory
> This may be a fault on my side, 

No, you found a bug ...

> not to use "make clean" after changing the prefix; or missing
> dependencies?

The groff binary is not rebuilt, because defs.h was not regenerated, and
thus defs.h still have the old paths. On master, defs.h is forced to be

defs.h: FORCE

I tried another solution, adding a dependency between defs.h and
config.status (config.status is generated by configure). It works on my
environment, could you please test it ? 

> 2.
> I then tried
>         make clean; ./configure --prefix=/home/privat/groff_test; make;
>         make install
> and got
>         Failed to open 
> /home/privat/groff_test/share/groff/site-font/devps/DESC:
>         No such file or directory
> 3.
> Finally I did
>         make distclean; ./configure --prefix=/home/privat/groff_test; make;
>         make install
> and got the same result:
>         Failed to open 
> /home/privat/groff_test/share/groff/site-font/devps/DESC:
>         No such file or directory
> The directory /home/privat/groff_test/share/groff/site-font exists, but is
> empty.
> The needed DESC-file is in groff_test/share/groff/1.22.2/font/devps,
> not in                     groff_test/share/groff/site-font/devps

Calling 'make clean' or 'make distclean' fixed your problem. The error
message you got (missing file in site-font) is normal and comes from the
additional traces I gave you. We first try to use the fonts in site-font
in priority (directory where the user can manually add its own fonts),
and then only the default directory in share/groff/1.22.2/font/devps.


diff --git a/src/include/include.am b/src/include/include.am
index dc0ab66..a95a7cb 100644
--- a/src/include/include.am
+++ b/src/include/include.am
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 nodist_noinst_HEADERS = defs.h
 CLEANFILES += defs.h
+defs.h: config.status
 	@$(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/gendef.sh defs.h \
 	"PROG_PREFIX=\"$(g)\"" \
 	"DEVICE=\"$(DEVICE)\"" \
Bertrand Garrigues

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