On Mon, Sep 22, 2014, Deri James wrote:
> On Sun 21 Sep 2014 20:50:37 Keith Marshall wrote:
> > On 21/09/14 20:04, Deri James wrote:
> > > I'm glad that Ulrich has answered you, it was not my place to
> > > identify the person as they contacted me privately,
> > 
> > Sure, but we must strenuously discourage such private communications;
> > how on earth can we expect to effectively co-ordinate development, if
> > potential developers are left in the dark, regarding what each other is
> > doing?
> > 
> > > but I felt the list should be aware something was in the wind.
> > 
> > Right.  Not just "should"; it is imperative.
> > 
> Keith,
> I hope you agree that what I did was correct. If someone asks to look at my 
> code, it does not mean they are definitely going to write something, so its 
> not my part to announce their definite involvement, since the final decision 
> is theirs. However, I wanted to inform the list in case someone else was 
> working on the same thing. Have I breached etiquette by dealing with the 
> circumstances in this way?

I concur with Keith, but there was no breach of etiquette, IMO.
Sometimes there are good reasons why list members prefer to discuss
things off-list, especially during the exploratory phase of an idea.

Peter Schaffter

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