> I have a modified copy (the original also) of the (dated) 1976, USD
> 28.tbl man(?) page written using the ms macro package.  It is the
> only document that I have seen that describes, with a lot of
> examples, the format syntax for tbl(1).

Have you ever looked at the manpage of groff's `tbl' preprocessor?
While not containing much examples, it completely documents all
options and features.

Or to ask it differently: What's missing in this manpage but present
in your `28.tbl' document?

> Would the groff folks be interested in something like this?  Or is
> tbl passe' in the current millenia.

Given that `28.tbl' certainly doesn't have a GNU copyright.  I would
rather prefer that groff's `tbl' manpage gets extended in case
something is missing or badly described.

Having a tutorial for groff would be nice, too, but this should *not*
be in the man format but rather ms or something similar
(cf. `pic.ms').


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