> you may be right about setter()/getter() usage; He is definitely right! :-)
> other modifications would really improve readability and > maintainability: > - capitalization of class names > - a naming convention for class member variables Mhmm, this is much work, and I don't see immediate benefits. IMHO, groff's C++ code is quite clear, and I ask you to show an example where `readability and maintainability' could be *really* improved by using uppercased stuff – I need more than a `we have learnt that in school' to be convinced. Additionally, `git blame' would become much more inconvenient to use. > - reducing the number of global variables Why? Again, please provide an example that could benefit. > - for each class a block of comments explaining what the > class is all about *This* is the most important thing! Here I fully agree with you. Werner