For `gpinyin', the European-like Chinese, I need to create character overstrikes for the 1st (a macron) and the 3rd tone (a caron). To append an accent over the ü and Ü characters (u/U umlaut) for all 4 tones seems to be even more complex.
The overstrike with `\o' and `\z' preduce on `-Tpdf', etc., a plus sign within the digit 0 for both escapes. But both escapes do not work on `-Tutf8' or `nroff': $ echo "A\o'0+'\z0+Z" | nroff A++Z which is wrong. Both escapes are documented in Osanna/Kernioghan `CSTR 54' and many other ancient `roff' documentations. So `nroff' should be able to do that as well. Every typewriter could do such overstriking. I had also trouble with `\h' and `\v', but for that later on. Bernd Warken