On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 03:40:42PM +0200, mikkel meinike wrote: > Hello all > I have during the past two years become increasingly groff user or perhaps > more specifick mom uses. I try as much as possible to stick to one macro > package to keep my text setting life as simple as possible. I am a human > being who work with images and therefore I also come a long way by now with > pictures in mom, but now I come to a point where I have a few questions > about this topic. > > To place two images side by side. > How to place to two or more images side by side. HTML treateds a little > picture almost as if it were a text item. If you put two pictures in the > code after eatch other then they appear side by side (if there is space for > that on the line). Can you do something similar in groff or what does it > take to put two pictures up next to each other? >
Here is an example of how I do it usually: Finding a shortest path from node $a$ to node $e$ using Dijkstra's algorithm: .P .mk .PSPIC -L dijkstra.eps 10c .rt .sp -0.7v .PSPIC -R dijkstra2.eps 10c Why the ".sp -0.7v" is needed to achieve alignment, is mystery to me. Could somebody explain? Now, that I think about it, it might be possible to put the images into a table. But I never tried that. Cheers, ulrich